Thursday, 12 March 2015

Double Page Spread Layout

There is a significant difference the layout of out my flat plan and my current double page spread (which is not yet finished). I moved the text to the bottom left of the page and had my main image filling up the majority of the right page, which I feel is effective as it grabs the readers attention and it makes it clear who the article is about.
The pose of my model has changed a lot also as it previously looked like a pose for a pop artist which isn't what I want to portray. Including a mid-shot photo with a microphone allows the expression on my models face to be exposed.

I believe my headline is effective as it is sophisticated as a serif font has been used (I have used this font previously on my contents page and front cover). I placed it on the top left corner of the page as I didn't want it to distract the readers from the main image and the interview. I got inspiration from this Rolling Stones Double Page Spread of Adele as I really admired the format of the page and the way everything was so cohesive.

My idea for the layout of the text is so place it below the stand first in three columns. I'm not going to use white boxes behind my text (common in many other magazine I've looked at) as I believe it would look to harsh and edgy, instead i'm leaving my text on my grey background.

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